About Me

Danyelle with kids

Hi there!  Welcome to my site, VegasParents.com.

If you’re on this page, then your looking for information, about me.  I’m not big on sharing things about myself, but I do love to share my adventures with my kids!

But since the entire purpose of this page is me….here it goes;

I moved to Las Vegas from Seattle in 2002.  I fell in love with the warmth of the desert and the massive growth the city continues to go through.

In 2006 I gave birth to fraternal twin girls.  They changed my life in all the best ways.

Baby Twins

As a stay at home in an unhealthy marriage, I knew I needed to make my own money but not sacrifice the time I had being at home with my daughters.

I I joined mom groups that morphed into me running my own groups.  I wanted my girls to socialize, meet friends, and see what Las Vegas has to offer families.

After months of working on filling my groups calendar with fun activities I thought to myself, why not share with everyone I can reach?

In 2008, blogging was all the rage.  I found a passion of sharing information to be extremely satisfying.  By 2009 when I completed my family with my 3rd daughter, my blog was profitable.

This income allowed me to divorce my husband and provide for my children while staying at home.  I don’t talk much about my ex-husband, or what we went through.  I will say, I am now married to my other half.  I always thought that was such a dumb statement.  Until I began living it.  It’s weird, and totally awesome at the same time!

2018 4th of July

In 2016 I was offered a job teaching media arts at a local charter school.  I sold my website and took the teaching position completely excited to teach middle schoolers about media arts and technology.  I can’t say it enough, I LOVED teaching.  The staff, teachers, kids, families, environment, everything was too good to be true.  I cried every break from missing my students.  These kids, they are so awesome.  Don’t ever doubt the love we have for your kids, it’s there.  It was also exhausting and I realized that I was using my past experiences in the web design, marketing, and videography as material.

To grow, I need to continue working with social media, email marketing, web design, graphic design, digital photography, copy writing, and videography.  So here I am, again 🙂  This time, I’m running VegasParents.com.  As my kids have grown, so will my content.  I’m wondering where COVID-19 will take us in the future as businesses recover and grow.

Thank you so much for following my page and wave if you see us in public!


Danyelle Vegas parents